Stage Challenge!

On Tuesday 28th March I went to the Convention Centre with the Stage Challenge group. It was for Stage Challenge 09. In Stage Challenge you had to have a theme, our theme was on values and making new friends.

Before we left we had to go to Room 7 to do the roll call, then we all got on to the bus in our number lines. When we got off the bus we had to get back into our number lines. When we got into the Convention Centre we went into this room where all the school's that were performing had to go and put their bags.

Then we all went into the theater for a Stage Challenge meeting for all the school's that had entered. Then every school had three turns each to practice.

After our school had there practice turn, we had something to eat and then we all went down to the Park to play. Me and all my mates took lots of photo's and it was very fun and funny.
Then we asked Ms English if we could go and have a look at the old underground hospital and she told us to get a group of about 10 students.
Then we went over and took a couple of photo's we were there for a while then Ms English said we had to go back to the group to practice.
It was yuck because there was poop on the ground and people were trying not to stand in it, so it looked a bit muddled.

When we got back we had one more meeting before we went on lock down, now lock down is when we have to go into this big room and get changed into our costumes and we're not allowed out of the room, because people aren't allowed to see us. When it was our turn I got butterfly's in my tummy and I was really nervous but when I got out I was fine, and I heard my mum and dad cheering me on. When we finished we went back to the room and watched the others until it finished. Then my mum and dad came and picked me up took me to have something to eat. We then picked up my brother and sisters from my nans house and we went home.