My First Soccer Game

On Saturday 2nd of May I had my first soccer game I had to be there by 10.00am but it didn't start until 10.30.

Before the game started our coach told us were our first position my position was right outer mid and I didn't know what that meant so I was a bit confused at the start but then I got a lot better I was a bit confused on where I had to go but one of the girls in my team's father helped me out a lot so that was good.

We were the first team to get a goal but then the other team started beating us and we started to lose but then we caught up and we were a tie when it came to half time it was three all.

On the second half the other team started to win again but then once again we caught up to them it was cool but in the last couple of minutes the other team got a goal and they won by one.

The score's were 7 to the other team and 6 to us.

But we were still happy that we came close.